Strategic Planning - 10/21/22
From Friday, Oct 21 - Sunday, Oct 23 Christ the Saviour community welcomed Bill Marianes, of Stewardship Calling and Orthodox Ministry Services, who led forty members of our parish family in our Strategic Planning opening retreat. On Friday we delved deeply into learning about the "exponential" and rapidly changing world that we are ministering within, and the sobering data about Church engagement over the past decades. We reviewed the results of our Effective Parish Assessment (EPA), as well as the results of our parish SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis. Small groups analyzed the SWOT results, and reported back to the entire retreat, identifying key areas of focus. On Saturday we established our parish core values, our "Why" and Mission Statements, and our key areas of strategic focus. At Liturgy on Sunday, our whole community was blessed to hear Bill give a beautiful homily, encouraging us to reflect the love of Christ, and to seek to serve the "Lazarus at our door". Listen here. Later Sunday afternoon we broke into teams who were tasked with developing a process to address the key areas of strategic focus, and to on-ramp additional members of our community for their input and engagement. Glory to God for all things!
Core Values
Love for God, the Holy Orthodox Faith, our parish family, and our neighbors.
Our "Why"
To experience and share Christ's love so that everyone we encounter finds healing, purpose, and eternal life.
Our Mission
Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church welcomes all to experience and share Christ's love and the apostolic faith through worship, education, fellowship, stewardship, and service.
Key Areas of Strategic Focus