Newly Ordained Deacon Seraphim - 10/21/11

Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church (Harrisburg) hosted Fr. Timothy Hojnicki, newly ordained Deacon Seraphim Reynolds, and the faithful of Holy Apostles Mission (Mechanicsburg) for daily Divine Liturgies every morning the week of October 17-21. Due to weekday constraints at their chapel, we were given the opportunity to offer our church for the services and the training of our local areas newest Deacon. The church smells like "it should" from all the incense that was offered, and a palpable grace from the prayers of the faithful and the daily Consecration of our Lords Holy Eucharist still "lingers" in our spiritual home. It was a week we will not soon forget! Axios to the newly ordained Deacon Seraphim, M. Mary, and their family! Glory to God for all things!